November 8, 2024

Senator Ricketts’ Weekly Column: Let’s Get to Work

November 8, 2024

The 2024 election is over. Americans voted for change. President Donald Trump’s re-election, along with Republican majorities in the House and Senate, marks a turning point for our country. The people of the United States have spoken clearly and decisively. We rejected the failed leadership of President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. Instead, Americans voted for a better economy, a secure border, and American strength projected abroad. It’s time to get to work to get this country back on track.

I’m grateful for your continued trust in me. I’m excited to be part of this new wave of Republican leadership. We have a unique opportunity to make real, lasting improvements in the lives of every American. But with that opportunity comes responsibility. Nebraskans expect results – and I’m committed to delivering for you.

First, we need to control inflation and get our economy back on track. Nebraskans understand the importance of hard work and living within our means. We decide priorities to balance our pocketbooks. The federal government must work to do the same. We also know the importance of using our resources responsibly. Here’s my commitment to you: I’ll work to fix our broken appropriations process and get our spending under control. I’ll fight to deliver tax relief to help working families make ends meet. I’ll push to restore Trump’s pro-growth policies that shrank income inequality and decreased poverty rates for Black and Latino Americans. And I’ll work to unleash domestic energy production and cut energy costs.

But we can’t stop there. We must also make sure that our communities are safe. That starts with securing our borders. My colleagues and I will fight to finish the border wall, go after drug cartels, and give Border Patrol officers more tools and resources to do their jobs. We will also support President Trump in his efforts to reject an appeasement-first foreign policy. Restoring American strength abroad will deter our adversaries and prevent larger conflicts from jeopardizing American lives.

We also need to make sure government works better. That means confirming judges that will defend our Constitution and protect our rule of law. That means passing a federal spending on time. That means reining in the power of bureaucrats to issue mandates that stifle job creation and add unnecessary costs to consumers. And that means cutting red tape to deliver essential services more efficiently and effectively. We must make the most of this historic opportunity and return power to the people.

Thank you again for your confidence in me to represent Nebraska in Washington, D.C. I will work with President Trump and my colleagues in both parties to deliver real results for Nebraskans. Together, we can rein in inflation, secure the border, provide tax relief for Nebraska families, unleash American energy, and restore American strength abroad. Let’s get to work.

My team and I are here to serve you. Contact us anytime by phone at 202-224-4224. You can also view my website at
