March 3, 2023

Senator Ricketts’ First Weekly Column: I’m Honored to Serve Nebraskans

March 3, 2023

It’s been a little over one month since I swore the oath of office to become a United States Senator for the great state of Nebraska. My primary mission is simple: to advance Nebraska’s interests and bring commonsense, conservative values to Washington. 

My Senate committee appointments will be critical to that effort. I’ve already had the opportunity to advocate repeatedly for Nebraska’s 1,400 ethanol jobs and the industry’s $4.5 billion impact at the Committee on Environment and Public Works (EPW). While I appreciate the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) granting the request I made along with other midwestern governors last year to allow ethanol sales in the summer months, the decision to delay it until 2024 does not address consumers worried about this summer driving season. At a time of unprecedented politization of regulations, serving on EPW provides me a direct opportunity to engage with and oversee agencies like the EPA and Army Corps of Engineers. As the ranking member on the Subcommittee on Clean Air, Climate, and Nuclear Safety, I’ll be conducting oversight of the EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation, the Clean Air Act, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Nuclear Plant Safety, and more. I look forward to holding the Biden administration accountable and pushing against any woke or unnecessary regulations that threaten Nebraskan jobs or our way of life.

I am also thrilled to join the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, which is instrumental in developing, influencing, and overseeing U.S. foreign policy. With growing threats from the Chinese Communist Party, Russia, and Iran, American leadership and strength matters now more than ever. We must project power responsibly to keep our citizens safe from those that would threaten us. At a time where Europe continues to deal with Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, my role as the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Europe and Regional Security Cooperation, couldn’t be more essential to this mission. I’m committed to making sure our European allies step up to do their part and that any U.S. resources are used responsibly and in a way that always prioritizes American security. The subcommittee also plays an important role in U.S. trade and exports, something I worked diligently on as governor to ensure Nebraska products were able to make their way into the global market and grow our economy at home.

On the Special Committee on Aging, I’ll have the chance to advocate directly for our seniors and ensure the federal government is using every tool at our disposal to protect them from bad actors who try to defraud them of their identities and their retirement savings. Older Americans face growing challenges to keep up with rising costs of living, and I am already working with my colleagues to push back aggressively against the Biden administration’s attacks on their retirement savings with woke regulations about ESG funds.

In addition to my committee work, my priority remains ensuring government is working for its taxpayers. As governor, I was proud of the progress we made to streamline and simplify how Nebraskans interact with state agencies, but navigating the federal bureaucracy can be even more daunting. My team stands ready to assist with federal issues like passports, Social Security, tax returns, and more. While my office cannot ask agencies to change their rules, we can inquire about the status of your situation, provide oversight to ensure your case is being handled properly, and help you navigate delays. I’m committed to giving Nebraskans the communication, efficiency, and transparency they deserve.

Along with Senator Deb Fischer and the rest of my colleagues in the Nebraska delegation, my staff and I are here to serve you. Contact my team and I anytime by phone at 202-224-4224, on my website, or via email I am humbled and honored to have this opportunity to serve our great state and I promise to ensure I’m a voice for all Nebraskans in the United States Senate.
