Senator Ricketts’ Weekly Column: President Biden’s Failed Foreign Policy

August 25, 2023 Two years ago this week, the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan was pure chaos. The city fell to the Taliban as the Biden administration hastily withdrew from the country. We were overwhelmed by the stories of thousands of Americans and Afghans attempting to flee the country. Images of people climbing over fences, mothers giving their babies to strangers, and desperate Afghans chasing planes down the runway shocked the world. […]

Senator Ricketts’ Weekly Column: Supporting Our Seniors

August 18, 2023 Our seniors face ever-growing challenges. Rising costs, attacks on their retirement savings, fraud, and identity theft threaten what they spent a lifetime building. Many of the facilities that care for this vulnerable population are struggling to stay afloat due to burdensome regulations and other factors, threatening the availability of care in rural […]

Senator Ricketts’ Weekly Column: Proven Nebraska Solutions, Ready for America

August 11, 2023 Our nation faces significant domestic challenges. Massive and reckless spending to fund big government programs has given us a national debt of over $32 trillion. That’s over $253,000 per taxpayer. Families and businesses are struggling under the burden of inflated costs, high taxes, and rising interest rates in President Biden’s economy. A […]

Senator Ricketts’ Weekly Column: Protecting Access to Flex Fuel Vehicles

August 4, 2023 Earlier this year, the Biden administration proposed tailpipe emissions standards that would require up to two-thirds of new cars and trucks sold in the U.S. to be electric vehicles in just eight years. These standards threaten the availability of gas-powered vehicles needed in agriculture. They also don’t consider how less densely populated […]

Senator Ricketts’ Weekly Column: Fixing Our Broken Passport System

Senator Ricketts

July 28, 2023 Providing oversight of the federal government is a critical part of my job as a United States Senator. From pushing back on illegal new mandates to fighting wasteful spending, there is a lot of important work to do. And while the Biden administration is failing on many policy matters, it’s also failing […]

Senator Ricketts’ Weekly Column: A Next Step for All Americans

July 21, 2023 One of the things I am most proud of from my time as Governor was how we improved services. One way we did this was by helping low-income Nebraskans find quality, higher-paying jobs through an innovative program called SNAP Next Step. The program helps families on SNAP, otherwise known as food stamps, […]

Senator Ricketts’ Weekly Column: Pushing Back on Putin

July 14, 2023 There’s an old adage that those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat its mistakes. Despite teaching history as early as kindergarten, we sometimes forget its lessons. In doing so, we miss opportunities to prevent it from repeating. Our posture toward the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine is one such […]

Senator Ricketts’ Weekly Column: Farm Families Need College to Stay Affordable

July 7, 2023 The deadline for Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) forms for the 2023-2024 academic year recently closed on June 30th. FAFSA is the form students and prospective students fill out to apply for grants, work-study, and low-interest loans from the U.S. Department of Education. Before the next FAFSA application cycle opens up on […]

Senator Ricketts’ Weekly Column: Our American Flag

June 30, 2023 As we gather to celebrate the birth of our great nation on this Fourth of July, it is an opportunity to reflect upon the values and ideals that have made America the greatest country that has ever existed. For centuries, our American flag has inspired and rallied Americans through times of triumph […]

Senator Ricketts’ Weekly Column: Fighting for Life

June 23, 2023 One year ago this week, the Supreme Court of the United States handed down one of the most important decisions in its history. For years, loud voices on the left have demanded the right to an abortion be absolute, including horrific practices like third-trimester and partial birth abortions. Despite an unprecedented leak […]