Casework FAQ

Below is a list of frequently asked questions regarding how Senator Pete Ricketts’ office can help provide assistance for you with federal agencies. If you have any questions regarding the work our office can do on your behalf, please feel free to contact us at (202) 224-4224.

Pete has staff specially trained to assist any individual or group with a concern, complaint, or question of eligibility or benefit as it relates to a federal agency. Our staff will act as a liaison for Nebraskans that have an issue pending before a federal agency.

How do I ask Senator Ricketts to help me?

To request assistance from the office, a Nebraskan, by law, must complete the Privacy Act Consent Form, describing the nature of the problem and how you would like Pete to assist you.

Why must I submit a Privacy Act Consent Form or letter to get the Senator to help me?

The Privacy Act of 1974 protects you, the constituent, by prohibiting a federal agency from distributing your personal information to a third party without your written consent. A federal agency will not release any of your confidential case information to our office without proof of consent.

What information will I need to include in the Privacy Act Consent Form?

All consent forms must:

  • Be signed by pen! Electronic signatures are not accepted.
  • Be written in English
  • Provide a brief explanation of the problem you are having
  • Specify the federal agency involved
  • Include a copy of the last correspondence received from the agency

Where do I send my Privacy Act Consent Form?

By email:

Can Senator Ricketts assist me with a legal matter?

Pete is not permitted to give legal advice and/or intervene on matters that are pending before the courts. For legal counsel, it is recommended that you use the Lawyer Referral Service of the Nebraska State Bar Association by visiting their website at

Can Senator Ricketts file an appeal in reference to an agency’s decision?

Pete does not have the authority to file an appeal to a federal agency.

Can Senator Ricketts help me with a problem I am having with a Nebraska agency or local government entity?

While we welcome the opportunity to be of assistance, it is a long-standing tradition that state and local matters be directed to the appropriate official for investigation. It is recommended that you contact the Executive Office of the Governor, your state Senator or local official for assistance with these types of matters.

Nebraska residents may find the respective Nebraska agency or state elected officials by visiting

Can Senator Ricketts help me if I am not a resident of the state of Nebraska?

It is the Senate’s long-standing tradition that we afford your Senator the opportunity to assist you. If you are not a resident of the state of Nebraska, we will forward your inquiry to the Senator that represents your state.

Non-Nebraska residents may locate their U.S. Senator by visiting

Can Senator Ricketts help me if I am requesting assistance on behalf of someone else?

Due to the Privacy Act of 1974, the person’s written consent is required prior to releasing any confidential case information. This includes immediate relatives, such as a spouse, parent and/or interested third parties, such as attorneys. Please have him or her complete a Privacy Act Consent Form and specify that we have permission to contact the federal agency and share any case information with you.

If you are the parent of a child under the age of 18, you may submit an inquiry on your child’s behalf. If you are an authorized guardian or have power of attorney for an adult individual, please enclose a copy of that evidence with your completed Privacy Act Consent Form.