October 7, 2024

Ricketts Joins Senate Republicans to Stand with Israel, Condemn Iran-Backed Hamas

October 7, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, one year since the October 7th Hamas terrorist attack killed dozens of Americans, U.S. Senator Pete Ricketts (R-NE) joined all 48 of his Senate Republican colleagues to fully condemn Iran-backed Hamas for its actions, support the forever survival of Israel, and call for the safe release of American hostages.

The Senate resolution was led by U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA), chair of the Republican Policy Committee. Click here to view the full Senate resolution.

“On October 7th, the world witnessed a heinous terror attack as Hamas murdered innocent women, men and children,” Ricketts said. “We must remain vigilant and unwavering in our commitment to bringing Hamas terrorists to justice. To the people of Israel, we stand with you, we mourn with you, and we will continue to support you until every hostage is brought home and Hamas surrenders.”

“This time last year, I woke up in the Middle East to the unbearable news that Israel was under attack by Iran-backed terrorists and Americans were being killed and taken hostage,” said Ernst, a combat veteran. “I immediately traveled into Israel to show that our nation’s friendship is unwavering, in good times and bad. Regardless of whether I have been in Jerusalem, Washington, or Iowa, I have worked around the clock to hold the White House accountable to its ‘ironclad’ commitment, bring our hostages home, and cut off the source of terrorism in Tehran. One year since that day, as Israel remains under attack on all fronts, Senate Republicans stand united with our greatest ally in the Middle East.”


Ricketts has been a staunch supporter of Israel’s sovereignty, their right to defend themselves against Iran and its terrorist proxies, and Israel’s efforts to bring home the remaining hostages. 

In the weeks following the October 7th attack, Rickettsintroduced legislation to enact a permanent ban on U.S. funding for United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). Since October 7th, numerous reports have revealed UNRWA staff was directly involved in Hamas’ attack on Israel. The Stop Support for Hamas Act would:

  • Cut off contributions for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), which has been described as “effectively a branch of Hamas;”
  • Freeze Economic Support Funds (ESF) to Gaza and the West Bank until Israel has verifiably dismantled the terrorist infrastructure of Hamas and other terrorist groups in Gaza;
  • Strengthen certification requirements under the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006 to ensure that no ministry, agency or instrumentality of the Palestinian Authority (PA) employs members, agents or affiliates of Hamas;
  • Ensure any U.S. assistance to nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) operating in Gaza and the West Bank does not benefit Hamas or any other terrorist organization; and
  • Strengthen Taylor Force Act provisions to prevent any U.S. funding that directly or indirectly benefits the PA until it ends its “pay for slay” program.

Over the past year, Ricketts has also repeatedly criticizedthe Biden-Harris administration for their failure to stand unequivocally with America’s strongest ally. He was critical when Kamala Harris refused to fulfill her Vice Presidential duty to preside over Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress. As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he directly confronted Secretary of State Antony Blinken for strengthening the hand of adversaries like Hamas and Russia by conditioning U.S. aid to allies like Israel and Ukraine. He’s repeatedly called out the United Nations for being an “antisemitic organization.” He’s also called for the United States to take action against the International Criminal Court (ICC) for emboldening terrorists and promoting antisemitism. 
