March 6, 2024

Ricketts Condemns Liberal Attacks on American Way of Life, Ideals

March 6, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Pete Ricketts (R-NE) condemned recent liberal attacks on American ways of life and ideals. In one high-profile case, a Politico reporter attacked as “Christian Nationalists” those who “believe that our rights as Americans, as all human beings, don’t come from any earthly authority, they don’t come from Congress, they don’t come from the Supreme Court; they come from God.” Ricketts made the comments while on a conference call with Nebraska media.

“According to this reporter, those who recognize that our rights come from God instead of the government are radical Christian Nationalists,’” Ricketts said. “This is truly a stunning smear of much of our country, past and present. It’s ignorant. It’s bigoted. It’s simply un-American. And actually, it’s wrong. As many Nebraskans know, the idea that our rights come from God is an American idea. That’s why it’s in our Declaration of Independence! This comment is a shocking indictment of our liberal education system.”


Senator Ricketts: “I’d like to talk about recent attacks on American ways of life and our values. 

“President Biden has sent swarms of bureaucrats to harass Americans at every turn. His Department of Justice labelled parents potential domestic terrorists for speaking up for their children. His EPA tried to expand its power by regulating roadside ditches and farm ponds as “navigable waters.” 

“He’s disregarded proven solutions like biofuels in favor of unworkable and expensive EV mandates. His reckless overspending created historic inflation which costs a typical family more than $11,400 a year to buy the same things they bought before Joe Biden was President. His foreign policy of appeasement has emboldened our adversaries and made Americans less safe.

“We’re also seeing attacks on American values and ideals that make our country great. For example, last week a reporter attacked Christians who are close to Donald Trump, as “Christian Nationalists.”

“She said what makes someone a Christian Nationalist is “that they believe that our rights as Americans, as all human beings, don’t come from any earthly authority, they don’t come from Congress, they don’t come from the Supreme Court; they come from God.” According to this reporter, those who recognize that our rights come from God instead of government are radical Christian Nationalists. It is a truly stunning smear of much of our country, past and present. It’s ignorant. It’s bigoted. It’s simply un-American. And it’s actually wrong. 

“As many Nebraskans know, the idea that our rights come from God is an AMERICAN idea. That’s why it’s in our Declaration of Independence! This comment is a shocking indictment of our liberal education system.  

“Our Founders believed that our rights came to us from God. Believing the same thing does not make someone a dangerous radical – it makes them an American.

“This is fundamentally what the radical difference at the time was, right? That at the time of our founding of our country, most rights did come from government. They came from a king. And that king would dole them out however they felt. But what was different about us is that our Founders said that our rights come to us from God. And that government is instituted to protect those rights. They’re ours, they’re ours by nature. They’re not given to us by a government. 

“We all have a responsibility to fight back against rhetoric that tries to erase history and attack the core of who we are as a nation. Attacks on our way of life and our values cannot go unchallenged. I’m committed to fighting these attacks every day as Senator.”
