Maintaining Peace Through Strength

One of the federal government’s fundamental responsibilities is to “provide for the common defense.” Nebraska is the home of Offutt Air Force Base. Offutt houses the headquarters for United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM), the 55th Wing and the 557th Weather Wing. The base is critical for protecting our national security. Pete Ricketts believes a strong military and close cooperation with allies are critical to defending American interests. He supports stronger investments in defense to ensure our brave women and men in uniform have what they need to keep us safe.

Adversaries like the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Russia are rapidly increasing their nuclear capabilities. Pete knows the only way to deter them is through American strength. He is fighting to modernize and strengthen America’s nuclear deterrent. He supports investments in the Sentinel ICBM weapon system that is partially based in western Nebraska. 

Chinese Communist Party Chairman Xi Jinping has said he wants China to be the world’s leading superpower by 2049. Pete believes this can’t be allowed to happen. On the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, he’s pushing back against CCP aggression. He’s fighting to protect America’s sovereignty.