February 7, 2024

Ricketts: Border Bill “Doesn’t Get the Job Done”

February 7, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Pete Ricketts (R-NE) criticized the Biden border supplemental bill for containing insufficient policy changes to secure the border. Ricketts made the comments while on a conference call with Nebraska media.

“On the first day of his presidency, Joe Biden reversed the very successful border policies of the Trump administration,” Ricketts said. “He created this crisis on our border. And he could end it today. What Democrats say is an emergency, is actually a catastrophe. 5,000 encounters a day – the threshold in this bill for an emergency– is too high. Finally, we don’t even know how much this bill would cost yet. Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer is forcing a vote before cost estimates are even complete.”

“The National Border Patrol Council sent a letter today to Senator Lindsey Graham with three ideas that could make this bill better,” Ricketts closed. “As one example of what we could do, a 1,000-encounter threshold instead of 5,000, actually detaining instead of catch and release, and a cap on parole. While there are good things in this bill, we must have a border bill that forces President Biden to enact real policy change. This bill just doesn’t get the job done.”


Senator Ricketts: “President Biden is playing politics by insisting he needs new legislation to secure our border. That’s simply not true.

“President Trump brought border crossings to a 45-year low by using the same laws that are currently available to President Biden.

“The fact of the matter is Biden wants an open border. He has not been serious about negotiating a real solution to this problem to keep Americans safe.

“Border legislation must force Biden to secure our border, stop his mass parole of illegal aliens, and end the national security and humanitarian crisis that he created.

“This bill doesn’t get the job done.

“Instead, the lead Democrat negotiator is boasting about how under this bill our ‘border never closes.’

“I cannot support this bill.

“This bill doesn’t stop President Biden or any other president from abusing the law and granting mass parole to illegal aliens.

“Last year, President Biden gave parole to 1.2 million people crossing the border illegally. Under Presidents Trump and Obama that average was 5,600 per year. Biden must stop this abuse.

“This bill also expedites work permits for those who receive parole.

“We need to end Biden’s use of mass parole first.

“Otherwise, these expedited work permits will only incentivize more illegal immigration.

“The bill also includes a taxpayer-funded bailout for sanctuary cities who refuse to enforce our immigration laws.

“Nebraska taxpayers shouldn’t be on the hook for the failed policies of Democrat-run cities and states like New York, Chicago, and California.

“This bill gives the power to determine who gets asylum to Biden bureaucrats who often favor open borders. 

“Additionally, this bill gives President Biden the power to waive a border emergency despite the fact he’s already refusing to use the powers he has.

“On the first day of his presidency, Joe Biden reversed the very successful border policies of the Trump administration.

“He created this crisis on our border. And he could end it today.

“What Democrats say is an emergency, is actually a catastrophe. 5,000 encounters a day – the threshold in this bill for an emergency– is too high.

“Finally, we don’t even know how much this bill would cost yet. Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer is forcing a vote before cost estimates are even complete.

“The National Border Patrol Council sent a letter today to Senator Lindsey Graham with three ideas that could make this bill better.

“As one example of what we could do, a 1,000-encounter threshold instead of 5,000, actually detaining instead of catch and release, and a cap on parole.

“While there are good things in this bill, we must have a border bill that forces President Biden to enact real policy change.

“This bill just doesn’t get the job done.”
