November 8, 2023

Ricketts Hammers Biden’s “Detached from Reality” Mandates on Trucking Industry

November 8, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yesterday, U.S. Senator Pete Ricketts (R-NE), a member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, hammered the Biden administration’s emissions mandates that would require more electric heavy-duty trucks.

“The administration’s drive for electric trucking is really detached from reality. It doesn’t acknowledge that we’ve got a variety of different issues out there,” Ricketts said. “Not only do we lack the infrastructure to accomplish it, but it would also be counterproductive to the administration’s priorities with regard to worker safety, and frankly, lowering emissions as well. I’ve hosted a number of experts in my home state of Nebraska where we’ve talked about it. And what’s very clear is that trying to focus solely on electric trucks will have a devastating consequence for consumers.”

Ricketts discussed how the Biden electric vehicle mandates would exacerbate the industry’s existing driver shortage. He outlined how the mandates’ impact on both pay-load and range would stifle supply chains and increase costs for consumers. He also asked witnesses about how the increased weight of these vehicles would negatively impact driver safety and road maintenance.

Watch the video Here.

Ricketts comments came during questioning of Karina Ricks, Brenda Neville, and Karin Mongeon in an EPW subcommittee hearing today. The hearing was entitled “Understanding Roadway Safety: Examining the Causes of Roadway Safety Challenges and Possible Interventions.”
